About Me

Becoming a teacher was something I never thought until I moved to the United States with my family. Learning a new language and adapting to a different culture were huge obstacles for me as a 17 year old. Fortunately, I had two excellent teachers who guided me during this process. Not only did they teach me English, but they also taught me the “norms” of the American culture such as: shaking hands instead of kissing in the cheek, speaking quietly instead of screaming, making eye contact with others when talking, and many others. With this great help and my efforts to learn the language, I graduated with a High School Diploma as well as high honors. I knew I wasn’t the only one who had to face this challenge; thus, I decided to become a teacher to give back what I received. I wanted to be a teacher to help students like me because I wanted to show them it is possible to succeed in this sea of opportunities despite our social economic status. So I did!
As I began my journey to teaching, I realized not only did I want to teach and help English learners, but also students with special needs or at risk who had been left behind and judged by many teachers.  I student taught in a self-contained Autistic Unit at Pine Ridge. This was the very first time I stood up in front of a class and taught a whole lesson by myself. It was very scary as my students had violent behaviors due to their exceptionality. The first day I ran out of the classroom because their behaviors escaladed; I was terrified! Throughout my internship, my students and I developed a relationship and I was never “attacked” again; instead, I was loved by them and they showed it to me every day in their own special way.
I have only been teaching for one year and so far it has been challenging but I have loved every second of it. I taught 2nd through 6th grades at Pinecrest Elementary in Immokalee as an ESE Inclusion Teacher. This year I am teaching at Parkside Elementary in Lely Manner, Naples. Though it has only been four days of meeting and interacting with my students, I already know it’s going to be a great challenge for me but I am ready for it because I will not let those kids fall behind even more.  I will teach them like my hair is on fire.
Teaching is the only thing in the world that makes forget about my personal troubles. Teaching is the remedy for my heart when is broken. Teaching stops my crying but also brings tears to my eyes when a student has reached their reading goal or when a student takes ownership in his learning. Teaching transports me to a whole different world and nothing else is more important than my students. Teaching is my love and passion.

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